Wednesday, 4 June 2014


D-DAY is ‘June 6th 1944’ or ‘Designated day’ is the day in the World War II on which important operation are due commence; in this case the attack of German-occupied Northern France.
   June 6th  1944  has been referred to as ‘D-Day’  when the largest seaborne invasion of German-occupied Western Europe by the Allied forces (British and U.S.A and Russia formerly USSR) which led to the restoration of the French Republic and the beginning of the end of Nazism regime led by German Dictator Adolf Hitler during the World war II.
This June 6th 2014 the world celebrates 70th anniversary of D-day veterans who contributed to allied victory in the WW II invasion of *Normandy Beach landings* in Western Europe.
    In Kenya the 70th commemorations of D-Day also extends to Kenyan soldiers who had been recruited to British Army to Invade the German territories in Burma during World War II. President Kenyatta is expected to lead the Kenyan veterans who fought during WW II commemorate the 70th anniversary

   President Obama, UK  Prime minister David Cameron, President Francois Hollande of France and President Vladimir Puttin of Russia will lead the world in celebrating the 70th anniversary of D-day  Normandy beach landings of June 6th 1944 which will be held in Normandy France.

                                 LAIKIPIA UNIVERSITY PRESS

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