Pedestrians account for a great percentage of deaths and serious injuries on Kenyan roads.
As a pedestrian, your chances of survival if hit by a motor vehicle are minimal due to the fact that you have no protection. It is therefore vital that you pay special attention to your own safety.
     Here are some basic tips to observe.
1.    Stop, Look, Listen, Think,

Use your eyes, ears, judgment and common sense for your own safety on the road.
(i)     STOP one step back from the side or shoulder of the road if there is no footpath.
(ii)   LOOK to the Right, Left, and then Right again before you attempt to cross the road.
(iii) LISTEN in all directions for approaching traffic.
(iv)  THINK about whether it is safe to cross the road – when the road is clear or all traffic has stopped.
(v)   When crossing, walk straight across the road.
(vi)  Continue LOOKING and LISTENING for traffic while crossing.
2.    See and be seen

Most pedestrians are hit by vehicles because the driver does not see them until it is too late:
(i)     When you are crossing a road, never assume a driver has seen you just because you have seen them.

(ii)   Avoid crossing roads near the crest of a hill or a bend, because it is harder for drivers to see you in these places.
(iii) Cross at points where you can comfortably see and be seen from either direction
(iv)  Wear light-colored clothing and/or a reflector; especially at night.

3.    Cross at safe places
Make sure you cross the road at safe places:
Nakuru-Nyahurur highway

(i)      Whenever possible, cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, traffic light or pedestrian refuge.
(ii)   Cross at a point where you have a clear view of approaching traffic, and the drivers can see you.
(iii) If you cannot cross the whole road in one attempt, wait on the pedestrian refuge or median strip
Even at crossings you still need to remain alert and check whether vehicles are stopping for you;
(iv)  Always make sure traffic has actually stopped before you step onto the road.
(v)   Remember school crossings are legally active when a crossing attendant is on duty and when the flags  are displayed to signal it is safe to cross.
(vi)  When crossing at a railway level crossing, wait for the lights to stop and the barriers to be raised
(vii)                    Don’t cross in front of a stationary vehicle and in between stationary vehicles.
(viii)                  Always wait for the bus to stop  completely if you are alighting or boarding a bus.Be alert for oncoming traffic when you step out of vehicle.
(ix)  Walk in a single file if you are walking in a group, always facing oncoming traffic.
(x)   Wear bright,light coloured clothing at night or in reduced visibility conditions.
(xi)  Avoid using mobile phone or portable media player so that you can  hear vehicles and concentrate on crossing the road.

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